1.      Find the current number of users of

·         Mobile phones-7.33 BILLION

·         Facebook-2 Billion people +

·         Twitter- 353.90 million users

How do you know that these numbers are current and correct?

I  researched it from- https://www.statista.com/statistics/218984/number-of-global-mobile-users-since-2010/






2.      In the getting it wrong section of the slides, try to find out if the quotes are true or just urban myths


3.      Now that you know Moore's law calculate


a)      The capacity of a typical hard drive in 3 years time


b)      The processing speed equivalent in 3 years time


c)      The capacity of a typical hard drive in 10 years time


d)      The processing speed equivalent in 10 years time


e)      The capacity of a typical hard drive in 50 years time






f)       The processing speed equivalent in 50 years time




4.      Explain in no more than three sentences, each of the following

      Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a new paradigm of computing that uses quantum bits, or qubits, to perform calculations. It has the potential to solve problems much faster than classical computers, particularly in fields such as cryptography, chemistry, and optimization. However, it is still a nascent technology and significant challenges remain in developing practical quantum computers.

      Light Based Processors

      Light-based processors, also known as photonic processors, use light instead of electricity to perform computations. This technology has the potential to offer much faster processing speeds and lower energy consumption than traditional electronic processors. However, it is still in the experimental phase and faces challenges in terms of scalability and integration with existing computer architectures.


Nanotechnology is the science, engineering, and application of materials and devices at the nanoscale, typically ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers. This field enables the design and fabrication of novel materials and devices with unique properties and functionalities, such as enhanced strength, improved energy efficiency, and targeted drug delivery. It has applications in a wide range of fields, including electronics, medicine, and energy.

      DNA based Computing

DNA-based computing is a field of research that explores the potential of using DNA molecules to perform calculations. By encoding information in the base pairs of DNA, researchers can create computational circuits and algorithms. This technology has the potential to offer high parallelism, energy efficiency, and molecular-scale computation. However, it is still in the experimental phase and faces challenges in terms of scalability and error correction.



5.      Identify a task that might be useful at home with the processing power you described

