In this session, we covered the relevance of IT for instance virtual worlds, virtual environments, virtual reality, multiuser virtual evironments,pandorabots,conversational agents.

Virtual system (VSYS) is a virtualization technology that divides a physical device into multiple independent logical devices.Examples are argumented reality,distributed virtual reality,telepresence,automatic virtual reality.

Types of virtual systems

Windows on World-Wow is Desktop  that displays a 3D virtual world on a conventional computer monitor.

immersive Virtual Reality-mmersive VR, on the other hand, completely immerses the user's viewpoint inside the virtual world, typically through a Head Mounted Display (HMD), and eliminates visual contact with the physical world.


virtual reality, Use of computer modeling and simulation to enable a person to interact with an artificial three-dimensional visual or other sensory environment. A computer-generated environment simulates reality by means of interactive devices that send and receive information and are worn as goggles, headsets, gloves, or body suits.


Telepresence technologies is that they enable a person to experience the feeling of being in a different location, or to have an impact on that location through telerobotics, without physically being there.








Applications of VR in the environment. 

•             Automative- VR technology is being used by car manufacturers to simulate road scenarios and analyze the behavior of cars, which helps them make changes to prototypes before developing a new model.

•             Education-VR is being used to provide students with interactive learning experiences through educational games, virtual field trips, and immersive simulations.

•             Healthcare-R is also being used in healthcare for cognitive behavior therapy, where patients can work through their phobias and anxieties in a controlled and safe environment. This has been shown to be effective in treating various mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias.

•             Tourism-Moreover, VR is being used in the tourism industry to provide virtual tours of hotels, landmarks, restaurants, and other tourist attractions. This not only allows travelers to preview their destination before visiting but also helps to promote tourism and increase visitor numbers.


Pros and cons


•             Safe practice/Simulation

•             Increases learning oppourtunities

•             Handy

•             Detailed


•             Isolated

•             Obsession

•             Expensive

•             Unreal

•             Intransigent



Avatars are digital representations of a user used in virtual worlds and other digital contexts, such as instant messaging and forums. They can take various forms, including humanoid, animal, and mythical figures, and can be represented in 3-D, 2-D, text, or other computer-generated forms.


This is my very own avatar created in snapchat .

In conclusion

 Virtual environments have various applications in different industries, such as entertainment, education, healthcare, and military training. For example, virtual reality technology is used in medical training to simulate surgical procedures, allowing medical professionals to gain hands-on experience in a safe and controlled environment.


Virtual Reality Applications: 10 Industries Using Virtual Reality in 2023 ( ( on 10th January2023

 10 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtual Reality (   Acessed o 11th January 2023

